A Key Component to Our Sessions? Our BioMat!
Did you know that during a session you’re not just laying on any old heating pad– you’re on a ✨BIOMAT✨
This amazing mat has infrared technology that aids negative ions deliver healing signals to your body. 💜Plus Amethyst crystals cover the entire surface of our BioMat! The Amethyst crystals are not only used to focus the FIR energy of the BioMat but also helps to calm and protect the mind and nervous system. The combined therapeutic components of the Infrared, heat, and Amethyst of the BioMat work together to aid in removing blockages creating better communication between the brain, the autonomic and sympathetic nervous! |
According to the US FDA, the BioMat can be used to treat a wide range of health issues. It relaxes the muscles and increases the local circulation where applied. They’ve also stated it provides temporary relief of:
- Minor muscle pain
- Minor joint pain and stiffness
- Joint pain associated with arthritis
- Muscle spasms
- Minor sprains
- Minor strains
- Minor muscular back pain
👉Ready to for your moment on the BioMat?